Calculators for exams

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by StevieG4captain, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. Does anyone know if the following calculator is allowed in CT exams?

    I've checked the institute's site for rules on calculators but it doesn't specify makes/models.

    CASIO fx 991MS


    PS. The only consolation I can take from yesterday's oh-so-familiar exit from a major tournament is that I now hate football and have a few extra days to study. :( yipee!
  2. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    looks fine to me, but who cares? ive seen countless graphic calculators in the exams before...
  3. King

    King Member

    (i) Candidates must provide their own calculators.
    (ii) Under no circumstances should hand-held personal computers, of any description, be taken into the examination room.
    (iii) Calculators must be silent, have visual display only and be battery or solar operated.
    (iv) Calculators with the following functions and facilities are not permitted data banks,
    dictionaries, language translators, retrieval or manipulation of text, graphics display or
    external communications.
    (v) Any stored data and /or stored program facilities must be cleared before the calculator is taken into the examination room.
    (vi) No extra time will be allowed for candidates who do not use calculators or whose
    calculators break down in the course of the examination.
  4. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Yup - the FX-991-MS is an excellent choice! It does normal probabilities and solves quadratics and simultaneous equations.

    Doesn't make the tea though.

    Graphical calculators are out (if you see anyone using them in the exam then report them to the invigilators to get the disqualified - if you feel nice - tell the student you will - to give them a chance to use something else as the rules are very clear!) as are ones with programmability.
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    since the rules were introduced, i have seen graphic calculators in nearly every exam i sat. the invigilators are too old to know the difference it seems!
  6. During the exam somebody who knows what they are looking for should walk around and check what everybody is using. I've seen people use graphical calculators too, more than once, and that's without even looking. :mad:
  7. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    the problem here is in deciding what a graphical calculator is.

    is it any calculator with a big screen or is it a calculator which can run java scripts. why don't the institute provide a list of allowable calculators, like other examining boards do?
  8. I think the rules are very clear (see King's post). If they provided a list of allowable calculators they would have to keep it updated. Plus it might cause problems with international exams. The rules aren't the problem, it's the students (and possibly the invigilators for not knowing or inforcing the rules).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2006
  9. Whilst on the subject, has anyone *ever* been disqualified by the invigilators during your exams? In one of mine a girls mobile rang! The whole room noticed, apart from the invigilators! If that had happened at school or uni she would have been disqualified from that and all future exams. Maybe I am just mean, I am sure it was just a mistake, but she shouldn't have had her phone in her pocket, and I think she should have been disqualified. To my mind, that is worse than using a graphical calculator. I'm not sure how much help one would really be anyway? :confused:
  10. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    (iv) graphics display... what is a graphics display? is it a dot matrix screen or is it a high resolution colour screen? I have seen some "non-graphical" calculators with colour screen and touch pads aswell.

    (v) don't "non-graphical" calculators do this kind of stuff e.g. regressions and statsy stuff. My Casio does.

    The instructions have not fully specified what kind of calculators are not allowed. I still think they need to publish a list of allowable calculators, or better still change the entire examining system to Open Book, like they do for engineering exams.
  11. A calculator that draws graphs.

    It's not saying your calculator must not be capable of storing data, just that you must clear the data before the exam.
  12. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    heh i wonder if i could make a healthy living if i sold pre-programmed actuarial calculators, featuring mortality tables from the formula book and standard annuities etc!
  13. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    These can be found at the Texas Instruments website and can be downloaded for use with your TI calculator. You can even program your calculator to workout certain things and store them as built-in functions.

    Little Actuary,
    so should they completely ban calculators from the exam? I'd like them to make actiarial exams Open Book and allow every possible cheating instrument there is on the planet.
  14. No :confused: I think the rules are fine as they stand.
  15. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    So do you want to continue to see people with graphical calculators in the exam? If you say yes then you have contradicted yourself. If you say no then you want the rules to change.
  16. Under the current rules you can not take in graphical calculators. :confused:
  17. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    i dont think they give an advantage anyway. i've stuck with the same trusty calculator since i started my degree and have never felt limited by it in the exams.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2006
  18. I don't think it would really help much either, however it is the prinicple. We should all be able to use one, or nobody should. They shouldn't say you can't and then turn a blind eye to people who do.
  19. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    Little actuary,

    Now you have confused me.... they rules say that graphical calculators are not allowed. And in your previous post you implied that they were infact allowed. So are they allowed or not allowed? I need to know because I am writing in September for the first time.
  20. You are NOT allowed graphical calculators. Where did I say you are?
  21. kazikizi

    kazikizi Member

    You said it in one of the previous posts, which you have now edited.

    So can you take a calculator with a large screen but doesn't draw graphs?

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