CA3 retaker advice

Discussion in 'CA3' started by r_narshi, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. r_narshi

    r_narshi Member

    I recently failed the CA3 exam. I went through the notes, tutorials in the portal and assignments/past papers in prep for my first attempt in Nov 2014. But I still got a disastrous FB grade :eek: ! I knew I'd messed up a little on my slides, but I thought I was still good enough to pass overall. I don't think I'm a particularly bad communicator. Anyway...

    Other than re-reviewing the notes (via 2015 CMP upgrade), reordering the X assignments (assuming they're different to those I did in 2014?) and Mock A, are there any other study aids that you might recommend for this retake? I will probably get the AMP pack this time.

    Ideally I want to know where I went wrong. But I cannot afford the huge exam counselling fee and there are no recent examiners reports.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2015
  2. David Wilmot

    David Wilmot ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Did you get the ActEd X-Assignments marked? If so, what themes appeared in the feedback? (FYI... the 2015 X-Assignments are broadly unchanged from the 2014 X-Assignments.)

    Doing all 3 mock exams under exam conditions and getting them marked independently (so you get good quality feedback) sounds like an excellent plan.

    I assume you have used all the past papers published by the profession. on their website.

    ActEd have produced an Online Classroom (online tutorials) and we also offer face-to-face tutorials - both covering the key skills required to pass the CA3 exam. See
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    You have a good incling where you went wrong - the slides. Is this a general weakness. If so, put a lot of energy into this aspect in your revision. If you go to a prewsntation with slides, look at what you think is a good one and which isn't. Practical experience can help although beware of mimicing house style too closely as it may not be to the examiners taste.

    And by the way, FB isn't a disaster, though I understand your disppointment.

    Stay positive.
  4. r_narshi

    r_narshi Member

    Thanks you both for your comments.

    I've been looking at my past assignments again. I didn't get as many marked as I thought I did. I think there was a mix of issues of either not fully understanding what was needed from the question (thereby going off on a tangent) and missing out points on both the slides and the written question.

    I averaged about 30/50 on my presentation but less so on my written answers.

    As you both say, practice is the key so I can work on issues that have been fed back to me.

    My plan is to defer the exam until June so I can focus on it properly away from SA2 commitments.

    I will look at doing (and getting marked) the X assignments and at least 1 mock exam again. I will also look at the past papers again. Is adding on the Online Classroom on top of this going to be too much do you think?
  5. Hemant Rupani

    Hemant Rupani Senior Member

    I see the exam fee for CA3 is the highest.... So is there any discounted fees for retaker ? What's it?
  6. r_narshi

    r_narshi Member

    I'd check the IFoA website for details about overseas rates. I know that retakers here in the UK pay the full price ie no discount. Which is always rubbish when it's so expensive at
  7. Hemant Rupani

    Hemant Rupani Senior Member

    :rolleyes: :eek:

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