Coronavirus effect on exams

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Act_SMC, Mar 11, 2020.

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  1. Dolemite

    Dolemite Member

    Ah great all that time spent memorising mnemonics etc was pointless as I can just look them up in my notes...

    How will maths question work in this format? I can't imagine we can just write down the solution for a 7 marker?
  2. newkid

    newkid Ton up Member

    So you think they are going to change the format of the exams, with no warning or sample papers? It's only students assuming this.

    In a document that was attached a few pages back, they said that they don't believe open books gives students any benefit
    therefore as someone else said, they'll probably just increase the pass mark, but hard to know by how much - i think you would have to study pass examiners reports - to see what they usually say about book work questions, it might only push pass mark up 5/6%
  3. DbFCCA

    DbFCCA Member

    May the September exams be pushed up? If not, there will be only 4 full months gap since current diet, in spite of usual 4 months, putting students appearing this diet at disadvantage.
  4. ProudActuary

    ProudActuary Member

    It's never been done before but I suspect that the pass mark will go up - the standard bookwork questions essentially becoming "free marks". I also suspect that credit will be given for really tailoring your answer to the specifics of the question rather than just lifting chunks from the core reading.

    It's interesting as well-prepared candidates will still have an advantage - they'll be able to spend more time writing answers rather than searching for the relevant part of the core reading.

    Many questions require higher level skills and an understanding of the core reading rather than just being able to quote the core reading.

    My advice - keep working hard and prepare as you would for any examination. Knowing things off by heart will still be of value - as would producing a summary sheet of 1/2 pages covering the most important aspects of the course. Practice typing up answers in word/excel etc.

    Good luck to those of you sitting the exams.
  5. ProudActuary

    ProudActuary Member

    No-one knows at the minute. You are talking about a delay of 1/2 weeks from the April exams being pushed back. Compare that to the fact that during lockdown you can't go out at the weekend/socialise with friends/go for dinner. So you might aswell try to get ahead of the game study wise!

    If you think you'll be too disadvantaged then simple - do not sit the April exams, everyone has that option!
    DbFCCA likes this.
  6. DbFCCA

    DbFCCA Member

    This option is good one, but one may not want to loose 6 months. However, your former statement is so tricky, and reality. Thanks.
  7. Imy

    Imy Member

    Any advice/thoughts for those who have had their exams all cancelled? I’m not sure what to do now.. do I keep the material in my mind for September alongside another subject? Do I try sit more than one would usually in Sept to make up for it? This was going to be my first actuarial exam and it’s thrown me off it being cancelled....
  8. shdh

    shdh Ton up Member

    Hi Imy,
    You can study some other paper for September diet, or hone some software skills, like R/Python/SAS (used widely in actuarial field). As you were prepared for your April paper, keep revising it from time to time so that it is fresh in your mind, and practice the paper-B element even more to become better at it. You would be planning on giving it in September so stay prepared.

    If you think you can sit and be through with 2 papers in September diet, then go ahead with it, always better! But for second paper, go for a paper that does not have a paper-B element in it (like CB series), as you were sitting for CM1/CS1 in April. This will help you in having a little less pressure than having two subjects with 2 papers each.

    As this April was going to be your first paper, my apologies for you having such an experience. It can be really upsetting and throw one off their game. But don't be discouraged. Apart from studies, you can do something of personal interest also, if you feel like going for only one paper in September diet.

    Even CS2 got cancelled. I was going to give it in April 2020. Now I am preparing for CP2, which was my second paper of April 2020.

    So don't worry, things will be back to normal. Also, stay indoors, stay busy and stay positive!

  9. mavvj

    mavvj Ton up Member

    For me it depends on how well you were doing with that subject and how your company has reacted to the cancellation regarding study time.

    If you were doing well and only need a little effort to keep the required knowledge and skills in your head, then do that and put the other effort into passing something else as well.

    If you were doing badly, consider studying something else you might do better in.

    If inbetween, consider just continuing to study the module, though there is a risk it might get cancelled in September as well.
  10. kennethtan

    kennethtan Member

    On technical requirements - is word365 the same as word 2010?
  11. Darren Michaels

    Darren Michaels ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2020
  12. Darren Michaels

    Darren Michaels ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    See the FAQ from the IFoA:

    In particular the section: "When will you inform us of the start times for the examinations?"

    The UK is currently on British Summer Time (BST) which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)+1 and one hour behind Central European Time (CET).
  13. AlexLky

    AlexLky Member

    Thank you Darren.

    Ouch it says between 8am and 9am (which is 2am - 3am for me :eek:)
  14. Montyburns

    Montyburns Member

    I cancelled my CP2 exam. Unable to focus.

    Good luck to those sitting.
  15. newkid

    newkid Ton up Member

    Can i just check something on the exams, is it done through a portal, i.e. we log in and answer on some portal page, or are we just getting the exam paper from there, similar to say CP3, and answer it on our system and upload? Does the portal page remain open/active once you downlaod the exam, or does it need a refresh?

    Also it says on the website that "You will receive joining instructions at least two weeks before the examination date." the CP2 and CP3 exams are in less than 2 weeks and i havne't recevied any instructions - has anyone?
  16. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

  17. AlexLky

    AlexLky Member

    I am sitting both and have received joining instructions - have you got them yet?
    Admin and newkid like this.
  18. nanaba

    nanaba Keen member

    Regarding my cancellation for the April exam. I have sent a week ago a mail to but haven't got a response back so far (just the automatically generated mail). Should I be expecting a confirmation that my cancellation was accepted and refunds will be processed?
  19. Montyburns

    Montyburns Member

    Same here. I'd guess it will be weeks before a refund is issued.
  20. zair khan

    zair khan Keen member

    i think we won't get any conclusion untill the ifoa announce it official
  21. Dar_Shan0209

    Dar_Shan0209 Ton up Member

    The IFoA said to ignore all joining instructions sent to you even if you cancelled the examinations. In 45 days, if you didn't hear from them, then you should contact them. This is explained in their FAQs
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