


You can have your attempts at the currently available assignments or mock exams marked by ActEd. When marking your scripts, we aim to provide specific advice to improve your chances of success in the exam. We also aim to return your script as swiftly as possible.

Here is a Tutor Talk video giving you more information about our marking service and the benefits of marking.

The following Tutor Talk covers the marking process including how to submit your script and how it will be returned to you.

Submitting scripts

We only accept the current version of assignments/mocks for marking, ie those published for the sessions leading to the 2024 exams. The cover sheet of the script will state the session - please see Series Marking for more information.

If you wish to submit your script for marking but only have an old version (in subjects with a one-to-one mapping to a new subject), then you can request the current assignments free of charge provided you meet the conditions below.

Assignments will be provided free of charge only if you have purchased the same paper in the same subject the previous year (ie sessions leading to the 2023 exams), and have purchased marking for the 2024 session.

If you have purchased marking, then you will be able to submit your assignment in the relevant place on The Hub when you access your Hub account. Instructions on how to submit where you have purchased Series Marking or Mock Exam Marking are here for instructions on how to submit where you have purchased Series Marking or Mock Exam Marking. Instructions on how to submit where you are using Marking Vouchers are here for how to submit where you are using Marking Vouchers.

Please read the instructions on the assignment or mock exam cover sheet before completing your assessment. Copies of cover sheets can be downloaded here for downloading cover sheets.

You must submit your scripts by the published deadlines. Any scripts submitted after this date will not be marked. If you use Marking Vouchers you need to adhere to the explicit Marking Voucher deadlines in each session to ensure your script is returned before the date of the exam.

Your script will be passed to the next available marker and will be returned to you on the Hub. We encourage markers to return scripts quickly, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

Prize Draw

We value our students' marking feedback. For your chance to win £150 of gift vouchers, please submit your feedback and enter our 6-monthly Prize Draw.

How to order

More details regarding ordering.

Series Marking


You can have your attempts at any of the currently available assignments marked by ActEd. If you wish to submit your script for marking in a subject and have purchased marking for the current session, but only have a previous year's version of the assignments, then you can request a copy of the current assignments in that subject free of charge.

You can buy Series X Marking and/or Series Y Marking for a specified subject (eg Subject CM2) for the current exam sitting. You will not be able to defer this marking to a future exam sitting.

We recommend that a student sitting a subject for the first time purchases Series X Marking (and Series Y Marking for the CM and CS Subjects). However, if you might change your study plans in light of your exam results, we recommend that you use Marking Vouchers rather than Series Marking. This will give you much more flexibility should your plans change.

When marking your scripts, we aim to provide specific advice to improve your chances of success in the exam and feedback on your understanding of the material. By submitting your scripts in line with our published recommended submission dates, you will make steady progress through the course. We also publish a set of final deadline dates - if you miss the final deadline date for an X Assignment or Y Assignment your script will not be marked.

Solutions to Series Assignments

We typically provide full solutions with Assignments and the Mock Exam (either in print or via the The Hub for the computer-based exams). However, if you order Series X or Y Marking (or Mock Exam Marking) at the same time as you order the Series Assignments (or Mock Exam), you can choose whether or not to receive a copy of the solutions in advance. If you choose not to receive them with the study material, you will be given access to them when your marked script is returned to you in The Hub (or following the final deadline date if you do not submit a script).

Submitting Assignments

If you have purchased marking, to submit your script you will need to upload it to the relevant place in your Hub account, but please read the instructions on the assignment or mock exam cover sheet before completing your assessment.

Unless you are using a Marking Voucher, any scripts received by ActEd after the final deadline date will not be marked. It is your responsibility to ensure that your script is submitted to The Hub by this deadline date.

Your script will be allocated to the next available marker and will be returned to you via The Hub. We encourage markers to mark scripts quickly, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

Marking Vouchers


Marking Vouchers are the flexible alternative to Series Marking or Mock Exam Marking. They are transferable between study sessions, between subjects and even between students. The holder has the right to submit an attempt at any current assignment or mock exam paper for marking at any time, irrespective of the deadlines dates. However, you will need to adhere to the explicit Marking Voucher deadline dates in each session to ensure that your script is returned before the date of the exam.

Marking Vouchers are valid for four years from the date of purchase and can be used or refunded at any time up to the expiry date (which is shown clearly on each voucher). Please ensure that you purchase the correct number of vouchers for the subjects that you are studying.

Mock Exam 2 and Mock Exam 3, which together form the Additional Mock Pack (AMP), can only be marked using Marking Vouchers. If you wish to use Marking Vouchers for Mock Exam 2 or Mock Exam 3 in Subjects CM1-2, CS1-2, CP1 or CP2, then you will need two vouchers per Mock Exam, as each has two papers. To have both Mock Exams marked in these subjects you would need 4 Marking Vouchers.

Mock Exam Marking


You can have your attempts at the currently available Assignments or Mock Exams marked by ActEd. If you wish to submit your script for marking in a subject and have purchased marking for the current session, but only have a previous year's version of the mock exam, then you can request a copy of the current mock exam in that subject free of charge. In relation to the Additional Mock Pack (AMP), you will need to have purchased sufficient marking voucher to cover all the papers in the AMP if you wish to have all of them marked.

You can buy Series X Marking, Series Y Marking, and/or Mock Exam Marking for a specified subject (eg Subject CM2) for the current exam sitting (eg April 2023). You will not be able to defer this marking to a future exam sitting. By submitting your scripts in line with our published recommended submission dates, you will make steady progress through the course. Marking Vouchers are transferable between sittings, so you may wish to choose these over Mock Exam Marking if you require additional flexibility.

Mock Exam Marking is only available for the main Mock Exam included in the CMP, not Mock Exams 2 or 3 (contained in the Additional Mock Pack) but Marking Vouchers may be used instead.

When marking your scripts, we aim to provide specific advice to improve your chances of success in the exam and feedback on your understanding of the material. We aim to return scripts as soon as possible, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

Marking Deadlines

Recommended submission dates and final deadline dates for Series Marking and Mock Exams are given on the assignment deadlines page - if you miss the final deadline date for the Mock Exam, your script will not be marked.

If you are using Marking Vouchers to submit your Mock exam papers for marking, you need to adhere to the explicit Marking Voucher deadlines in each session to ensure your script is returned before the date of the exam.

If you book Mock Exam Marking in a particular session, you will not be able to defer the marking to a future exam sitting.

Solutions to Mock Exams

We typically provide full solutions with Assignments and the Mock Exam (either in print or via The Hub for the computer-based exams). However, if you order Mock Exam Marking at the same time as you order the Mock Exam, you can choose whether or not to receive a copy of the solutions in advance. If you choose not to receive them with the study material, you will be given access to them when your marked script is returned to you in The Hub (or following the final deadline date if you do not submit a script).

Submitting Mock Exams

If you have purchased marking, to submit your script you will need to upload it to the relevant place in your Hub account, but please read the instructions on the assignment or mock exam cover sheet before completing your assessment.

Unless you are using a Marking Voucher, any scripts received by ActEd after the final deadline date will not be marked. It is your responsibility to ensure that your script is submitted to The Hub by this deadline date.

Your script will be allocated to the next available marker and will be returned to you via The Hub. We encourage markers to mark scripts quickly, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

Submitting Assignment And Mock Exam Scripts


If you have purchased marking, then you will be able to submit your assignment in the relevant place on The Hub when you access your Hub account. Instructions on how to submit where you have purchased Series Marking or Mock Exam Marking are here for instructions on how to submit where you have purchased Series Marking or Mock Exam Marking. Instructions on how to submit where you are using Marking Vouchers are Instructions on how to submit where you are using Marking Vouchers arehere.

Please read the instructions on the assignment or mock exam cover sheet before completing your assessment. Copies of cover sheets can be downloaded Copies of all cover sheets can be downloaded here.

Unless you are using a Marking Voucher, any scripts received by ActEd after the final deadline date will not be marked. It is your responsibility to ensure that your script is submitted to The Hub by this deadline date.

Return of scripts

Your script will be marked electronically (eMarked). You will receive an email with details of how to download your script via a secure link. You can view your script online and/or print it out, whichever you prefer. If you elected not to receive solutions at the same time as ordering the Mock Exam or Assignments you will also be able to view (or print) an electronic copy of the relevant solutions. Please note that the scripts and solutions will be deleted after two sessions so if you want to keep a copy then you must print it BEFORE it is deleted.

Your script will be passed to the next available marker and will be returned to you via a secure link. We encourage markers to return scripts quickly, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

Assignment Deadlines


If you have purchased Series Marking you must submit your script by the published deadlines. Any scripts submitted after this date will not be marked. If you use Marking Vouchers you need to adhere to the explicit Marking Voucher deadlines in each session to ensure your script is returned before the date of the exam.

Please read our submission guidelines for assignments and mock exams.

Here are the assignment deadlines for the April 2025 exams

CM1 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CM2 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CS1 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CS2 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CB Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CP1 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CP2 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
CP3 Assignment Deadlines April 2025
SP Assignment Deadlines April 2025
SA Assignment Deadlines April 2025

Your script will be passed to the next available marker and will be returned to you via a secure link on the internet. We encourage markers to return scripts quickly, but you should be aware that scripts submitted around the time of the final deadlines may have a significantly slower turnaround time than usual.

The assignment deadline documents are in Adobe Acrobat format, and you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print it. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.

Download Acrobat

Distribution Of Marks


We have received some requests, through ActEd's Discussion Forum, for graphs showing the scores students achieve on ActEd's Assignments and Mock Exams, split by subject.

The graphs are based on scores achieved by students studying for the Winter 2019/20 and Summer 2020 study sessions who submitted their scripts to ActEd for marking.

Although you should get a feel for how you are doing compared with your peers, please be aware of the following:

  • Each Assignment is based on only one part of the course.
  • Many students do not attempt the assignments under exam conditions (understandably).
  • Due to the lower number of scripts submitted, some of the results have little credibility.
  • The typical pass rate of students who use ActEd's Series Marking and/or Mock Exam Marking tends to be higher than the average pass rate.

PDF files showing the distribution of marks

Core Technical Core Applications Specialist Technical Specialist Applications

The distribution of marks are in Adobe Acrobat format, and you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print it. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here. After you download the file, you must run it to install Acrobat.

Download Acrobat

2025 Cover sheets


All scripts must be submitted for marking using a correctly completed cover sheet otherwise we cannot process the script for marking. This will cause unnecessary delays for you.

For convenience we have included two 2025 cover sheets below in case you have misplaced your cover sheets. Please download the relevant two-page Word document, complete all the necessary sections, add it to the beginning of your script.

We only accept the current version of assignments/mocks for marking, ie those published for the sessions leading to the 2025 exams. If you wish to submit your script for marking but only have an old version (in subjects with a one-to-one mapping to a new subject), then you can request the current assignments free of charge provided you have purchased the same paper in the same subject the previous year (ie sessions leading to the 2024 exams), and have purchased marking for the 2025 session.

X assignments

Below is the cover sheet for submitting any X assignments.
(Cover sheets for Y assignments are included at the start of each assignment).

X assignments

Mock Exam

Below is the cover sheet for submitting mock exams.
(Cover sheets for mock exam Paper B are included at the start of each mock).

Mock exam