Y axis titles in graphs

Discussion in 'CA2' started by Snowy, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Snowy

    Snowy Member

    I keep having to play around with the titles to my graphs for the y-axis.
    The default option is that the titles for the y-axis will be vertical.
    But sometimes all the words don't show.
    How could I extend the length of the title so that all the words show vertically?
  2. PlainSong

    PlainSong Member

    Y axis titles

    I'm not sure which version of Excel you are using. My exam used Excel 2003 and I don't recall having seen a problem like you describe when using 2003.

    If you don't get all of the words in the y-axis title to show, then you are probably using too many words. The chart would look better with less words (more space for the chart that way). I would suggest you reduce your word count rather than try to expand the size of the title.

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