x assingments

Discussion in 'CA1' started by Edwin, May 10, 2013.

  1. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    May I ask if the X-assingments contain any questions from past papers as do the Q&A's? I wanna avoid past papers and only do them under painful-honest self assessment next month. For now am more into into knowing and understanding the Core-reading like the palm of my hand.
  2. ryan11

    ryan11 Member

    Thats a good way to learnt he core reading by understanding it.

    I think you are way too ahaed for the Spetember 2013 exams if you are done with core reading and are noe targetting the assignments.

    When did you start studying for CA1?
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Unlikely an ActEd tutor would use an entire question. Typically assignments are lookiomg to test little bits of knowledge. Exam qns are more far reaching

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