Wilkie Model - Past Questions on Exams

Discussion in 'CT8' started by trjar, May 27, 2014.

  1. trjar

    trjar Member


    Wilkie Model: Based on the revised core reading notes (from 2014) for the Wilkie Model which questions from the past papers are not relevant anymore or are all the questions in the past papers still relevant?

  2. Graham Aylott

    Graham Aylott Member


    Based on the limited amount of Core Reading remaining on the Wilkie model, the questions should be:

    (a) not that common
    (b) relatively short and bookworky.

    However, with CT8, you cannot never entirely sure what might be asked.

    We've therefore included the following Wilkie-related questions from the CT8 past papers in the Revision Notes, which we think may still be relevant:

    A05 Q9 (i), (iii), (iv)
    S05 Q7 (iii)
    A06 Q6 (ii), (iii)
    S06 Q4
    S11 Q10 (i)(a), (ii)
    S13 Q4

    Note that for some of these questions, the number of points required may be less than was the case under the old and more detailed Core Reading.

    Hope this helps,

    Graham :)

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