Why do future interest rates follow a lognormal distribution ?

Discussion in 'CT4' started by Nabil Janmohamed, May 13, 2017.

  1. Nabil Janmohamed

    Nabil Janmohamed Keen member


    I know in CT1 we calculated the stochastic interest rate using a lognormal distribution but in CT4 question 1.3 where of chapter 1 the solutions say that future interest rates will follow a lognormal distribution (see attached). I am curious to know why this is the case?



    Attached Files:

  2. Dillon

    Dillon Member

    That is just given an example of a distribution that may be assumed.

    In reality, we don't know what the distribution of future interest rates is going to look like.

    The lognormal distribution is a distribution with some nice properties that makes it useful for modelling interest rates (e.g not too complex and ensures non-negative interest rates).

    There are many other interest rate models that are used in the real world, you'll come across a few of them in CT8 (although if I remember correctly, most of these are based on the assumption of a lognormal distribution).
  3. Nabil Janmohamed

    Nabil Janmohamed Keen member

    Thanks Dillon, this make a lot more sense now.

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