Why backward system of equations become more important when condition of bound fails?

Discussion in 'CT4' started by Kunjesh Parikh, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Kunjesh Parikh

    Kunjesh Parikh Very Active Member

    Why is that backward system of differential equations become fundamentally more important when the transition rates are unbounded?
  2. Mark Mitchell

    Mark Mitchell Member

    From a search of the internet, it appears that, in broad terms, if the transition rates are unbounded the backward equations are easier to solve/can be solved in more cases than the forward equations. However, the mathematics to back this up seems to be far beyond anything that is expected in CT4. So I'd say that statement is included for information only, rather than anything you'd be expected to justify.
  3. Kunjesh Parikh

    Kunjesh Parikh Very Active Member

    Thanks Sir!

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