Which SA subject with ST9

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by maag2, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. maag2

    maag2 Member


    I was wondering which SA subject people would generally take with ST9. If you were to do ST6 and ST9, would this leave you lacking in relevant knowledge for all of the SAs?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

  2. Schuey

    Schuey Member

    I think ....
    SA1 follows from ST1
    SA2 follows from ST2
    SA3 follows from ST7, ST8 (formerly ST3)
    SA4 follows from ST4
    SA5 follows from ST5 ?
    SA6 follows from ST6 ?

    I do think ST5, ST6 complement each other but tbh I am not sure

    ST9 is a new qualification / ST and means you can call yourself CERA also if you like having extra initials after your name
  3. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    I have ST6, ST9 and SA5

  4. Eldino

    Eldino Member

    In the syllabuses for SA5 and SA6 they both say they're leading on from ST5. Though SA5 also mentions ST9.

    Personally I'm going to do ST5, ST9 and SA5 but as Edwin and others I know show, you could definitely get away with ST6, ST9 and SA5.

    SA6 is directly related to investment advice, while ST6 is about pricing derivatives. They're in the same realm but not particularly linked. Someone with more experience could prove me wrong though.

    Not that any of the exams are particularly easy, I think SA5 has a better reputation than SA6.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2015

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