Which is quicker faculty or institute?

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by Sarah24, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. Sarah24

    Sarah24 Member


    Have read a few posts and seen replies to my previous post on what the difference was between the faculty and the institute I was now wondering which of the 2 is quicker to register with? I've heard the institue can take up to 4 months? Does that mean if I apply now for this Sep exams I won't be able to take them?


  2. jimjoachim

    jimjoachim Member

    I applied to join the Fac last July after graduation (around mid july) and I was registered intime to sit an exam in september. Only took about a weeK (prob quicker than normal because I phoned to push it along). I also applied for exemptions and got a response within 2 weeks (not the response I wanted tho).

    The Fac would always be quicker because its a lot smaller.
  3. debonair

    debonair Member

    I applied to the Inst on 25 June and received an email saying it would take a minimum of 4 weeks to process it. I hope they don't decide to take 4 months instead coz I need to write in September.
  4. Sarah24

    Sarah24 Member

    Thanks for the info - I shall definitely try the Faculty then. Nice to know other grads have tried doing some exams so soon after graduating :)
  5. bystander

    bystander Member

    deadline for admissions

    Hi folks,
    According to the actuaries.org website, if you want to take exams this Sept, the admission closing date is 24th July (or 3rd July for overseas). I think this applies whether you go Institute or Faculty. So if you've applied already and haven';t heard say a week before, badger them.

    For those yet to apply, when you do, make sure you have all the relevant paperwork eg copies of exam cerificates. When I joined, these had to be certified copies too so allow time there too. It isn't too clear whether they mean your application has to have been approved by 24.7 or whether its simply arrived by then but I'd guess the former. If your graduation ceremony is after the 24th so you don't have the certificate, I guess something official from the uni will suffice. I'd call them first to establish exactly what they will accept.

    If you want exemptions, then you can do this after admission but again its lots of paperwork eg copies of your uni syllabus/exam papers. Worth a punt. I was given one and refused another many moons ago.

    Its a short time to Sep exams so I presume you have some kind of background in the subjects you are sitting.

    Best of luck with your entry applications & exams. --- Welcome to our world!

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