Which goes best with CT4?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by bbjpk, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. bbjpk

    bbjpk Member

    I'm trying to decide which subject to do in April along with CT4. I'm choosing between CT5 & CT6. The remaining one I'll do in September along with CT8.

    So which of CT5 & CT6 would you pair with CT4 in April & CT8 in September? (And why you suggest whatever you suggest?)

    [I've already done CT1, CT2, CT3 & CT7]

  2. Zapher

    Zapher Member

    CT4 and CT5 are a good combination, given the common elements.
    But that leaves two really difficult ones for the next sitting.
    But given the dates this will be nicely spread.

    Morning Afternoon
    20 April CA1 (Paper 1) ST2
    21 April CT1 CA1 (Paper 2)
    22 April CT8 ST5
    23 April CT2 ST3
    24 April CT5 ST4
    27 April CT7 SA1-6
    28 April CT6 CA3
    29 April CT4 ST6
    30 April CT3 ST1

    Morning Afternoon
    29 September CA1 (Paper 1) ST2
    30 September CT1 CA1 (paper 2)
    1 October CT8 ST5
    2 October CT2 ST3
    5 October CT5 ST4
    6 October CT7 SA1-6
    7 October CT6 CA3
    8 October CT4 ST6
    9 October CT3 ST1

    I wouldn't want to write CT4 and CT6 on consecutive days

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