Which CT Papers are Life Related?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by sg4544, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. sg4544

    sg4544 Member


    Please can someone advice me on which CT papers are more relevant for life insurance so that I can pursue them first? My aim is to apply for actuarial jobs in life insurance firms and want to clear papers relevant to it first.

    Thank you.
  2. asmkdas

    asmkdas Member

    CT1, CT3 & CT5.
  3. sg4544

    sg4544 Member

    Thank you. I've already cleared CT1 and CT5 and will be appearing for CT3 in next session. Are you able to suggest that of the remaining papers(CT2/CT4/CT6/CT7/CT8), which ones should I pursue first in order of relevance to life insurance?

    Thank you
  4. asmkdas

    asmkdas Member

    Go for CT4 or CT6 along with CT5.
  5. Iori_

    Iori_ Member

    CT5 is most relevant to Life, in terms of both reserving and pricing. However, in order to pass CT5 you need some knowledge of CT1 and CT4.

    However, since you have passed CT5 and CT1, you will probably be able to make a very decent attempt at CT4.

    CT8 is also useful in calculating cost of guarantees to set aside as additional reserves. However, I don't think it's relevance is as significant as CT5.
  6. Calum

    Calum Member

    I would suggest 4 & 2 are the most likely to be of practical benefit in most life office work. Of course, it all depends on role, and frankly you're best off studying something you will enjoy and pass than anything else.

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