where to start

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by gradesina, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. gradesina

    gradesina Member

    I am thinking of starting doing a couple of CT exams to increasy my chances to secure a job in an Actuarial company. What would be the best CT to start with? I am thinking of either CT1 or CT3 (starting with 1 exam only). How many hours per week do people in general study? I know that it says 100-150hours per CT subject, but is this realistic? Have you already started studying for April exams.
    I am a bit confused by all the information I have found on the web.
    Many thanks in advance!
  2. henwood13

    henwood13 Member

    I've only just started in my job and will be taking my first exams in April. I've not started my study yet but will be very soon as I'll be taking CT1, CT2 & CT3.

    When you start doing your studying depends on how long you can afford to spend on it. If its very little time then start as early as possible to give yourself plenty of time to cover all the material and revise it. However many people, especially those who will have just taken exams in the last few weeks may not be studying for several weeks or months to come yet! Generally I'd advise to start as soon as you can just to give yourself the best chance possible.

    As for your first exam both CT1 and CT3 would be good starting points and as I understand it, where most people do start off (those without exemptions). However it would be possible to start else where, for instance with CT7.

    As I've said though, I've only just started, so maybe someone with a little more experience of the exams would be better answering this question.
  3. thomasb

    thomasb Member

    I've just done CT1 - you don't mention your background at all. I've been working in the IT field since I graduated ten years ago, and CT1 did require that I brush off my calculus skills a little. I started studying for CT1 in April, but I did have a couple of weeks where I didn't look at the notes at all and in other weeks I only spent a few hours (I'm never sure if I should count the time sitting on the bog reading the notes though ;)

    Although I haven't got the results yet, I'm very cautiously optimistic about it - but I'll let you know more in December :)

  4. gradesina

    gradesina Member

    many thanks for the quick response. I have just completed my BSc Maths & Stats (mature student, evening study). i will probably go with either CT1 or CT3. In terms of study material - did you use the CMP?
  5. thomasb

    thomasb Member



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