When to do CA1

Discussion in 'CA1' started by uwadaf, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. uwadaf

    uwadaf Member


    I'm thinking of exams for next year and have a question for anyone who's done CA1 - I've got all the CT's except CT8 and am thinking of sitting CA1 next and then CT8 and CA3 in September, mainly due to the length of the sittings as I don't want to try and squeeze CA1 into the summer session. So, for all you lucky people who have already done CA1: do you think it's doable if you haven’t done all the CT's?

  2. ?????

    ????? Member

    Hi there

    Personally, I think attempting CA1 without having CT8 will not be a problem.

    CT8 is more of an in-depth/mathematical account of financial economics/mathematics, whereas CA1 is not. You will understand the investment concepts in CA1 without having done CT8.

    Smart move to not squeeze CA1 into the summer session - it's a lot of work.

    Good Luck!
  3. Kail

    Kail Member

    Do it

    I agree, you'll be fine. Good luck...

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