when meet fraction, how many decimals?

Discussion in 'CT1' started by slhappyls, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. slhappyls

    slhappyls Member

    Hi all,

    I am very uncertain about how many decimals I should reserve during the process of calculation. Should I round it to 0.01 or 0.0001? Can any one give certain rules? Thanks a lot.

  2. Hobbs

    Hobbs Member

    The number of significant figures you should use depends on the numbers you are given to work with in the question.

    As a general rule, don't have many more significant figures in your answer than the question supplies.

    In practice, non-currency answers generally have at least 3 digits after any prefix 0s (ie, 0.0345).

    You should use the memory functions in your calculator to carry all possible precision through your working, but you shouldn't be penalised for not writing out all 10 sig figs at every step.

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