When do you start studying for teh next sitting

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by limamichelle, Oct 11, 2012.


How Long after exams do you start studying again?

  1. Day After Exam

    0 vote(s)
  2. 1-2 Weeks

    8 vote(s)
  3. 3-4 Weeks

    11 vote(s)
  4. Until i got my Results!

    5 vote(s)
  1. limamichelle

    limamichelle Active Member

    I'm trying to give myself a break (like a four week break) but i seam panicked that everyone else has started studying already- which must mean they ordered their materials before the exams?

    Let me know when you plan to start so i can see if i shouldv'e started yesterday!!

    by the way i'm doing CT6 and 7 this april and plan CT4 and 5 in September :)eek: - alreay panicked abt sept sitting. lol)
  2. mmmmmm

    mmmmmm Member

    Hey I am not planning to start studying until December for April. I will probably order in the first week of December and then begin to read when they arrive.

    I am planning to take CT8 and possibly CT7 as well depending on whether or not I have retakes!!
  3. Hi,

    I think it is wise to start reading as early as possible especially if you are in a busy office. Again, it all depends on your reading style. Some students read well under pressure others read long before exams. So depending on how you are wired, you can decide the most appropriate time to start reading.
  4. Cubix_Rube

    Cubix_Rube Member

    My CT3 stuff arrived today! and I will start revising asap, probably next week. I have a feeling I'll need to resit CT1 but no matter what the outcome I would want to sit either CT3 or both in April, with adequate time to cover everything. I will probably study CT3 really hard until results day (try to make it through the whole booklet and try to at least answer all the questions) Then if I pass CT1 I've got a nice easy 4 month run in to April, and if not then I have plenty of time to revise CT1 too.
  5. mugono

    mugono Ton up Member

    Clearly it's a personal judgement but for me, 4-5 weeks (1st week of November or end of may/ early June), sounds like a sufficient time to prevent burn out.
  6. Tele76

    Tele76 Member

    That's the dilemma, - Do you wait until the results come out or crack on with the next subject with the possibility of having to resit the last one?

    Starting early on the new subject will never be a waste of time though, even if you end up sitting the exam at a later session than planned.

    Last year I waited for the results to come out in December and then started in Jan/Feb, but I really struggled to do two subjects in three months.

    Suppose it also depends on how much study time you can get and other commitments etc,

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