What to do after assignment/past paper attempt?

Discussion in 'SP1' started by eevee, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. eevee

    eevee Member

    Hi all,

    How do you prepare for the ST1 exam? More specifically, what do you do after receiving feedback from the assignment or past paper marker? Do you reattempt the questions, or do you note the solutions down? Do you compile your findings into a "cheat sheet"?

    Any suggestion to help embed the concepts + exam techniques in one would be much appreciated.:)


    P.S. I've only attempted the Australian examinations, which are open book exams, so I used to have a "cheat sheet" with me in case I need to refer to. Most of the items in the "cheat sheet" come from past exam paper solutions.
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Firstly it's important to read the comments thorough. Those that relate to technique you should start to practise immediately on your next attempt at an assignment or past paper. If the feedback is about lack of knowledge then nite these to come back to revise at some point. In the UK exams theory are not open book so just rewriting solutions doesn't help. If you want to re attempt qns don't do it immediately. Note which question style you get worst marks on and practise that style more. You are right not to look solely at the mark. The feedback is typically constructive to help you progress. Learn from it and you should soon see your wellness become less so.
  3. eevee

    eevee Member

    Thanks - very helpful tips!
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    The important thing is to be honest with yourself how you attempted past papers and assignments. If you used the books its not as indicative of progress as full conditions. So always try at least one question unassisted and note what you used to help you on others because that shows what topics you need to revise. Regarding time spent, remember in an exam the adrenalin drives you on so a slight overrun on time at this stage isn't a disaster.
  5. eevee

    eevee Member

    I see. I've done the assignments under exam conditions so no books, and within the timeframe expected. My main problem is coming up with sufficient (and broad enough) points to cover off content in the longer questions (>10 marks). The assignment markers have also identified the same issue and pointed it out to me. Do you have any advice on how to improve on that?
  6. bystander

    bystander Member

    So is it describe style questions? This is where you need depth. So you may be asked about data. How much do you need, where does it come from. How do you need to analyse it? Does it need adjustment or is any irrelevant. You can generate ideas if in revision you generate yourself either mind maps ie thoughts that stem from a central topic and in effect drill down to different detail levels which sound a good idea for the difficulty you have. Or create mnemonics as helpful reminders of key concepts by topic. Are you reading the question well enough? Eh is it a small company so in terms of my example on data, it may be limited and hence needs supplementing externally with the issues on relevance and reliability that brings. It may be homogenous but lack level of detail if systems poor. Similarly with old company lots of data but maybe out of date because....in describe linking fact to because is helpful. You could may a note of the subtle points you miss. They often recur. That too can be a revision tool. I take it you've done ca1. That too needs broad thinking so anything that helped there may well help here. And keep practising!
    eevee likes this.
  7. eevee

    eevee Member

    Yeah, it's the describe type of questions e.g. new product introduced into market, what are the considerations etc. in terms of product design, or advantages vs. disadvantages.

    I'll take note of what I keep missing and implement that into my revision phase. And will keep practising!

    Thanks for your encouragement :)

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