What happens when you study all day

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by tatos, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. tatos

    tatos Member

    Just sitting here, subjecting myself to another disturbing question in preparation for next week and an idea struck me..

    Ever felt deflated when you're not even able to attempt a part of a question because it directly depended on some previous part which you had no idea how to do? So you end up being marked out of 100 when you would really love to be marked out of 97 or whatever.

    I feel like the marking should account for this. There needs to be some intelligent way of dimming or moderating the effect of these "invisible questions" (so perhaps up to some sort of limit so that instead of losing all 3 marks, say, you might only lose out on 2.2 marks for example). * Sigh *. I should go to sleep.
  2. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    follow on questions

    The marking does allow for that.

    All you need to do, when you start the follow-on question, is say “I will assume the answer from above is x for this question”, and continue.
    This will allow you to get full marks on the follow on question, (as long as you assume a reasonable and appropriate figure as the result from the earlier question).

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