what employees would likely prefer

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by gomezcarsonk, May 18, 2021.

  1. gomezcarsonk

    gomezcarsonk Member

    Good evening!
    I’m currently in my final year of an actuarial science degree and would like to do a masters next year. However I am unsure of what course would be most beneficial in getting a job as a trainee actuary. I would most like to study either economics or maths/ statistics but thought it may be better to study applied actuarial science/ actuarial management as there is the chance to get exemption in some CA/ST exams. I would really appreciate any advice on what employees would likely prefer.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. CapitalActuary

    CapitalActuary Ton up Member

    Any of that's fine, doesn't make much difference to most actuarial employers. Also they don't really care about exemptions, but if you'd like exemptions for yourself I can understand that. Don't do an actuarial course because you think employers will like the exemptions from it though.

    I'd advise studying what you are most interested in.
    gomezcarsonk and pjlee01 like this.
  3. gomezcarsonk

    gomezcarsonk Member

    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2021

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