
Colin McKee

ActEd Tutor
Staff member
Hi, here is something to get started with. Which chapters in SA5 do you find the most difficult, and which ones are hardest to imagine popping up in a 50 mark exam question??
SA5 -material & exam

Hi all

i feel no one topic seems harder than the other, though maybe the corporate finance section is a bit trickier than the earlier section on banking.

what strikes me about this course is its assortment of topics (bit like old 305) and there not being so many of the standard connections as there was in the usual insurance type old 300/400 series subjects - does this mean there is less scope to examine a variety of topics in a 50 mark question

- it would just seem odd to me though if say there was a 50 mark question on a small part of the course eg the 5 page credit derivatives chapter - im just wondering how these seemingly small areas of the course would be incorporated in your typical strategic/risk return capital 400 series type 50 mark question...

- looking at the examiner repoirt for april 2005, this was only 10 pages long - much shorter compared to the longer ones typically seen in 402/403/404 from previous years - this begs the question about mark allocations eg does the size of this report indicate a 1 mark per point allocation unlike the insurance type subjects from before where it was like 0.25 - 0.5 marks per point ( eg general insurance.)

