Valuing an FRA - PEQ Apr 2013, q8

Discussion in 'SP5' started by Benjamin, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. Benjamin

    Benjamin Member


    Past exam question Apr 2013, q8 (revision book 3, q18) is on valuing a forward rate agreement.

    I was trying to do this question using either of these two methodologies and did not arrive at the same result as in the revision booklet

    - Chapter 11, section 1.5, formula V = L(RK - RF)...etc.
    RK = 0.07/4
    RF = 0.06/4 (derived from the formula on page 10 of the CMP: RF = (R2T1 - R1T1)...Etc
    T2 = 0.5 (half a year)
    T1 = 0.25 (3mths)
    R2 = 0.055 (given)
    L = 1mil
    Produces V = 2,432.19

    - Chapter 11, section 1.9 - treating the FRA as a single leg of a swap
    Step1: RF = 0.06/4 as above
    Step2: Swap cashflows are then 1,000,000 x each of (0.06/4) and (0.07/4)
    = 15,000 and 17,500
    Difference is 2,500
    Step3: PV (tried discounting at 3 and 6mths respectively etc and could not arrive at the answer provided of 2,322.

    Could you please step me through either of those methodologies in this context?
  2. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Your RF is not correct. 6% is the continuously compounded forward rate. For valuing the FRA you need an i(4) (ie the same compounding frequency as the FRA rate). Try converting the 6% continuous to an i(4).
    Benjamin likes this.
  3. Benjamin

    Benjamin Member

    Good point - so with i(4) = 4(e^(0.06/4)-1) = 0.06045, that gives:

    V = 1,000,000(0.07 - 0.06045)(0.5 - 0.25)e^(-0.055x0.5)
    = 2,322.

    Thank you!

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