Using Google as calculator in the exam

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by singingmyblues, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. singingmyblues

    singingmyblues Keen member

    Hi, I am just wondering if I can use Google as a calculator in the exam. It's just easier than Excel sometimes. Thanks.
  2. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    I want to ask like it,too.
    I found a website to calculate +-*/,and it can display all process and answer.
    May I just printscreen it to Word to show the calculating process?
    The website is it.
    It show the process and I can copy old calculations and then all to new calculations.
    I mainly want to avoid the difference in the answer caused by the decimal point, and express my thoughts completely.
  3. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    I can't see a problem with this. However, as with all calculations, you will need to show your working to get full marks.

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