Used (1+i)^0.5 instead of continuous annuity factor

Discussion in 'CM1' started by ykai, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    In Ch14~Ch27, we used multiplying (1+i)^0.5 to present annuity become payable continuously or immediately.
    Can I use this instead of the continuous annuity factor in loan schedule or project appraisal?Such as paper B 2019/9-Q2&2019/4-Q2.
    I have calculated on this way,but answer is just close,not same.
    I wonder if I do it,will I get full marks or lose some marks?
  2. Joe Hook

    Joe Hook ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    In short, almost certainly not. We use (1+i)^0.5 as an approximation in later chapters because we are reliant on probabilities and annuity/assurance values from our tables. In the first half of the course we can calculate values accurately and so (1+i)^0.5 should only be used in the early part of the course if you are explicitly asked for an approximate value.
    ykai likes this.
  3. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    Thank you for response.
    I now know better what the examiner wants.

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