Tutorials: Regular CT1, Block CT4 or vice versa

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Phil, Nov 7, 2008.


Which tutorial plan would you recommend?

  1. CT1 Regular CT4 Block

    1 vote(s)
  2. Late-starting tutorials will enable regulars for both and doing both regular would be better

    3 vote(s)
  3. CT1 Block CT4 Regular

    4 vote(s)
  1. Phil

    Phil Member


    I'm trying to make decisions about tutorials for the first time.
    I've got to decide between doing CT1 regular tutorials and CT4 block tutorials or the other way round.

    I'm in my first proper actuarial job at last. A few years ago I tried some exams while in non-actuarial work to try and boost my chances of getting a job. When doing that I passed CT3 but failed CT1 twice:mad: - I made the mistake of not doing enough practice questions.

    I'm only just starting studying for April's exams. So it wouldn't be practical for me to have studied the 10 chapters required for the 1st of CT1's regulars and the 5 chapters required for the 1st of CT4's regulars in time. So I've got to decide which one to do block and which one to do regular.

    CT1 I'm really anxious that I must pass this time so really want whichever option is best for that. I reckon I could speed through 10 chapters of CT1 in a month if I didn't touch CT4.

    ActEd say block tutorials concentrate on areas students typically find more difficult - so would that be more beneficial to me for CT1 than CT4?
    But they also say regular tutorials provide more practice of exam style questions and will make sure I fully understand everything as I progress - so would that be more beneficial to me for CT1 cos it should ensure I don't misinterpret anything.

    CT4 stuff I've touched maybe half of at uni over 5 years ago so most of it will seem new. So is ensuring I understand everything as I progress better for this, or is it better to have block tutorials so that everything is fresh in my mind for the exam?

    I asked someone at work and he said ActEd do late-starting regular tutorials. I haven't been able to find any schedule for these. Where is there one or how long after results day does it get issued? And when do they usually start?

    Thanks for any help

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