Too late?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by NewStarter, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. NewStarter

    NewStarter Member

    Hi All,

    I'm sitting just CT4 this coming October and, well, my preparation so far has been minimal (split the notes into chapters using a divider, thats about it. :eek: )

    Obviously a very subjective question, but is it too late to cram? What have you found to be the best learning/revision techniques for this exam? (Should probably be in the CT4 forum :p )

    I theoretically have about 20 days (including study + w/e), but realistically might not use many w/e days. I understand this is one of the tougher CTs.

    What is the latest you've heard of a student starting to study for and subsequently passing an exam? Obviously this will be the higher end of the genius spectrum, but it'll still be comforting to hear.
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    You like to cut it fine! I've known people start a month before and astonish me by passing but its not recommended.

    However, you are realistic. Naturally you need to go thru' all the course. Don't try cherry picking as you'll waste more time thinking what may comne up rather than studying.

    Ever minute you study has to count so you need to be very active. ie don't just read. Put pen to paper and think. Then you still need loads of past paper practise.

    I think you need a firm timetable on paper and stick with it. I know weekends there are other things you could do, but its just a few to sacrifice in reality.

    Its all down to you, BUT GET STUCK IN NOW!!!!!!
  3. Lewin

    Lewin Member

    My advice,skip the October sitting and combine CT4 with something else for the April 2012 exams,i dont think 90% of people can pass with just a month of study,unless your a Child Prodigy or the Rain man!
  4. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    too late unless you use all of every available day i'd say

    if you tried, i'd skim the material, concentrate on chapter summaries, cut corners with the stuff you struggle with (unless you know its something that is frequently examined) and then do lots of past papers. then hope you get lucky :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2011

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