To FAC or not to FAC?

Discussion in 'FAC & Stats Pack' started by jonnyw, May 17, 2010.

  1. jonnyw

    jonnyw Member

    ... that is the question!

    I've made the decision to study towards CT1, but am concerned about whether I need the Foundation ActED Course (FAC).

    My maths A-Level was around 10 years ag, so I'm likly to be pretty rusty on things.

    Is the FAC to be used as a reference when getting stuck on CT1 (et al.), or can it be studied in its entirety before starting CT1? Is it useful for the other subjects too?

    If it can be studied in its entirety before CT1, how long is it likely to take (I'm concerned I'm not going to leave myself enough time to study for the exam in September).

    Has anyone here used the FAC. Is it just a reference book, or is it a course?

    I'm at the point of orereing, but don't know what to order!!!
  2. dopeyS

    dopeyS Member

    I was in your possition last year, although with less time before the exam. The material in CT1 is not difficult in terms of the mathematics but it depends how much you have used in the past and perhaps how rusty you feel.

    I ordered the CT1 notes, looked through and got un-nerved so I ordered the FAC. However I think i only refered to it once or twice.

    My advice would be to order CT1, take a good look at what is in there and see what you think. FAC contains maths support for all the CTs so there are a few chapters in there designed to help with the later CTs.

    It really depends on the level of maths you have done as to whether you will find it useful, I didn't but I did a lot of maths in my degree (Physics)
  3. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    What is your background?

    Do you have a strong mathematics background?

    How do you rate your mathematics ability (esp. based on objective proof - e.g. exam results)

    How much will the cost (money and time) matter to you, if it is a waste?
  4. jonnyw

    jonnyw Member

    I suppose it's only £50 ish, which is irrelevant in the long run.

    Is it a course, that can be studied on its own before CT1, or just a reference? (ActEd call it a course, but describe it as a reference).

    What exactly do you get in the pack to learn from. Is is a text book / file of notes + Q&As?
  5. Mark Mitchell

    Mark Mitchell Member

    It's both a course and a reference!! How you use it is up to you!

    You can study it as a course before you look at CT1. FAC contains lots of maths from A level (and a bit beyond), and if you want to brush this up, or get yourself into a mathematical frame of mind, then work through the course as a whole. Note that not all the material in FAC is required in CT1, though, as it's intended to help with all (mathematical) CT subjects.

    Or, you can use it as a reference, just like a textbook, or your old A level Maths notes. So, when you get to something you don't recall that well (eg formulae for summation, or differentiation) then you can look at the relevant parts.

    FAC contains:
    - a file of notes, divided up into chapters on different topics.
    - the chapters contain questions to practise as you work through.
    - a question and answer bank of further questions to practise.
    - a test to see how much you've learnt (if you're so inclined) or just to use for more practice.

    Hope this helps. Happy studying!
  6. tiger

    tiger Member

    I did CT1 last year. Similar circumstances, very rusty with maths.
    Bought FAC, found it good as a refresher, was able to go through it very quickly but good to catch up on the basics again and have some simple examples to work through. (Even just to get used to using a calculator again).
  7. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    How rusty are you? I really don't think it would be necessary to buy it for CT1, the maths is pretty straight foward and most mathematical tools you need are explained in the notes anyway. The only tools you need are :

    1. Summing infinite geometric series
    2. Linear algebra (manipulating equations etc)
    3. Need to know index laws
    4. Need to be able to Integrate/differentiate relativley simple functions
    5. Familar with finding probabilities from a normal distribution
    6. Solving simultaneous equations (usually 2 unknowns)
    7. Need to know integration by substitution (I don't think integration by parts is required knowledge for CT1, i could be wrong)
    8. Need to be able to apply quadratic formula

    If you can do all that, then you should not bother studying any raw maths and go straight for the CT1 notes. Maybe when you do one of the more mathematical subjects you can go for it but CT1 interms of maths is definetly not difficult.
  8. jonnyw

    jonnyw Member

    Many thanks for the replies. :)

    I decided to order it in the end (my maths is a bit rusty). We'll see how it goes!

    At worst it'll act as a reference for later subjects...

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