Time taken to mark a past paper

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by gunnert, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. gunnert

    gunnert Member


    I have not previously submitted past papers to be marked by ActEd, but I am planning to do it for ST2.

    Could I please just check roughly how many days I will have to wait for an exam paper to be marked and returned to me?

    I understand it depends on the demand, but I am just looking for an indicative number of days it takes.

    I'm aiming to submit my papers before the deadline date of 5 Sept (I think).

    Many thanks in advance
  2. cjno1

    cjno1 Member

    When I do the assignments, they usually get back to me within a week. I'm not sure if it's the same turnaround for the mocks though . . .
  3. gunnert

    gunnert Member

    That's fine, thanks. I've just phoned ActEd and they said Mocks should be returned to you within 3-4 days as long as demand isn't too intense.


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