Time limit on the written assessment?

Discussion in 'CA3' started by loadingr, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. loadingr

    loadingr Member

    Is there any time limit when answering the written question on the second day? And what time will this afternoon session start?

    Many thanks!
  2. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    CA3 time

    The time limit is 90 minutes, and I think you get 15 mins reading time too.
    I found this plenty, as obviously you're typing, and, typically only have 400-500 words to write.

    I'm not sure exactly what time it started, but I think it was about 3pm. There was 30-60 mins gap between the last person finishing their presentation, and going in for the written part of the exam. :cool:
  3. loadingr

    loadingr Member

    OK, get it! It's better to type rather than write. I'm such a slower writer...:p


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