Three ST subjects?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by sonnyshook, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. sonnyshook

    sonnyshook Member

    Anyone know someone who has done three ST subjects? I am just thinking about this CERA thing. I am doing ST5 in September which will naturally stand me in good stead with respect to SA5. I have got ST6 but I am also thinking about doing ST9 the risk management one in my next session before attempting SA5.
  2. Busy_Bee4422

    Busy_Bee4422 Ton up Member

    I know a couple of people who moved into GI after they had done the life and investments STs so they actually have 4 STs rather than 3.:)
  3. didster

    didster Member

    I wouldn't postpone the SA just to get the extra ST for CERA. You could always sit it after. Unless you think CERA before FIA will help with career progression, or that ST9 will help with SA5 (unlikely to be significant)

    I would not have considered it necessary to sit the GI ST's if you already have 2ST's. Learning the material, certainly, passing the SA probably, but not sitting the STs.
  4. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    I am also considering ST9 starting next year.. But i don't think you can get the CERA designation until you qualify though
  5. didster

    didster Member

    I thought AIA + ST9 = CERA
  6. sonnyshook

    sonnyshook Member

    So this CERA thing does it mean CERA and FIA are both included as post-nominal letters if you also qualify as a fellow (including or plus ST9). I am only doing if its like that!!
  7. bystander

    bystander Member

    Yes you can get both sets of initials. I'd agree with earlier respondent, get your FIA then CERA in your circumstances. Anyone else without an ST I'd say pick ST9 as one of the STs so its one less painful exam
  8. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    ST9 as one of 3 STs?

    For those with a general insurance background, the problem with taking ST9 as one of your two ST subjects is that SA3 assumes knowledge of ST7 and ST8, but not ST9.

    So I don't see much point in anyone from a general insurance background picking anything other than ST7 and ST8 for their two STs. Then maybe do ST9 later if you want.

    I'd be interested in hearing the views of anyone who disagrees with that :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2011
  9. sonnyshook

    sonnyshook Member

    I know I will be quite blase after becoming a Fellow so I will probably do ST9 first....its like delayed satisfaction.

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