Thoughts on the exam Sept 2015

Discussion in 'SA4' started by rave23, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. rave23

    rave23 Member

    What do people think of the latest SA4 exam?
  2. ZimboActuary

    ZimboActuary Member

    The exam seemed quite fair to me. I just fear that the pass mark will be a little higher than for the previous sessions.
    The 20 mark part on num 2 was a beast. I might have rumbled on that part together with the last part of number 3.
    Im happy there were no calculations, those questions are a 50/50 thing, you either know what you are doing or don't have a clue at all!
  3. I struggled with the cdc question, in terms of making enough points I think. Time pressure as always. Just gonna keep my fingers crossed
  4. StephM

    StephM Member

    Exam didn't seem very fair to me - 2/3rds of the marks were on DC and 2/3rds not based in the UK.

    Not exactly inkeeping with the syllabus of UK based DB schemes with emphasis on UK legislation.

    As there were 2 DC questions I ended up repeating a lot of my earlier points so I'm concerned that they will only score once in the paper :(

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