Tax years

Discussion in 'FAC & Stats Pack' started by LizzieF, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. LizzieF

    LizzieF Member

    I've just begun working through FAC.

    A question asks how many NZ tax years (1 Apr - 31 Mar) there are between 1 May 1998 and 9 Sep 2020.

    I calculated 20, the solution gives 21. When I double-checked my answer I still come up with 20.

    Can anyone help me see what I'm missing?
  2. didster

    didster Member

    Lol I get 23 (as the number of tax years overlapping with 1 May 1998 to 9 Sep 2020), ie the number of tax returns.
    Perhaps they mean 21 complete tax years.

    Write it out 1 Apr XX to 31 Mar YY and count them up again.
  3. LizzieF

    LizzieF Member

    Yes, sorry, I was incomplete in how I stated the problem: the task is to state how many complete NZ tax years there are.

    Aaaaaaaaand I just found out I missed the year 04/05 in my list. 21 it is!

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