Syllabus objective 5.2

Discussion in 'CP3' started by Edwin, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    5.2 Be able to justify the choice of communication tool(s) for presenting numerical
    information (e.g. data tables, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter charts etc.).

    Does this mean we should explain why we are using a bar chat and not a line graph?
  2. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Potentially, yes.
  3. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    I have used a graph below because a pie chart does not depict the information clearly as it is a time series. A time series is...?
  4. Pede

    Pede Member

    I reckon you'd need to say more than that. Why a graph? Why a bar chart? what's wrong with a line chart? I wouldn't bother defining a time series, but say why the graph is better than a pie chart for this particular info.

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