Syllabus and past papers compared to UK - CT5

Discussion in 'India' started by tatos, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. tatos

    tatos Member

    Are the CT syllabuses in India the same as the UK ones? I was thinking of using the India past papers for extra CT5 practice...?
  2. Oxymoron

    Oxymoron Ton up Member

    It's exactly the same. I do the UK papers as a practice before starting with the Indian ones.
  3. tatos

    tatos Member

    And that's a good idea actually. So if I give myself enough time I should actually do the Indian papers first and then whack the UK ones. I look forward to absolutely annihilating the next exams.
  4. Cardano

    Cardano Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2011

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