Successfully passed in 2nd attempt

Discussion in 'CA1' started by Uroš, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Uroš

    Uroš Member

    1st attempt September 2016 - 51 (pass rate 58)
    2nd attempt April 2017 - 60 (pass rate 59) -> borderline :)

    I just want to share an advice (it was mentioned many times before, though).
    I think the main difference between passing and failing is knowing the lists as precise as possible.
    I rewrote my extracts of the chapters' summaries two or three times and then knew them almost by heart. It made it easier for me to allocate the lists to the relevant chapters in the book.

    Good luck to all who will be brave enough to fight with those 50 chapters in the future.
  2. mulita

    mulita Member

    Congrats... I also had border line failure last September.. trying again now. Just realised that I know the lists from my last attempt. But can't pinpoint exactly where I went wrong.. probably failure to state the obvious

  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    The lists are fabulous aide memories. The skill then is to know how they relate to the actual question you are answering. Some from the list may be redundant and others need expansion. So take a breath and think about the application to the scenario in front of you. No yes, don't be afraid to state the obvious.
  4. Lewin

    Lewin Member

    Personally I think the ACTED revision notes are the most helpful resource in passing CA1.
    I read them like the Bible,and for the last 2 months concentrated on ASET.
  5. Lewin

    Lewin Member

    That being said,how did CA1 have a pass mark of 59 while CT7 had a pass mark of 57? is that some sick joke?
  6. I got 58 and this was my first attempt. Also it was my first higher level exam after CT series.
    Does it generally happen that they fail by 1 mark? Also, on what areas should I focus more now? And will it be advisable to appeal for the exam?
  7. km389

    km389 Member

    It's very common, I sat it three times and finally got it this sitting. There are always a lot of repeaters for CA1 who only missed by 1/2 marks. It's probably best to look back at the paper and find questions you didn't do well in. One bad question can really break the paper and cost you the sitting in my opinion.

    The difference I felt in this sitting and my previous ones was, I came out of the papers without weak questions.

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