Study advice needed please

Discussion in 'SP1' started by abumenang, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. abumenang

    abumenang Member

    I need some advice please. I'm just starting to study ST1 for the April exams due to unfortunate circumstances.

    This is my first ST so any advice on study techniques would be appreciated, I'm aware of time ticking, trying to get through the core reading at the moment. Planning on studying in a similar method as I did for ca1 as it seems to be as wordy and similar-ish. Also, any mnemonics would be very helpful.

  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Yes the exam technique for CA1 will hold you in good stead.

    You definitely must get thru' the whole course. No good sitting exam if you haven't. So make ever minute of study count -- be active ie don't just read. And set a timetable now. Even though you start late, a mock will be a wise move so you've had some feedback.

    For mnemonics, its always best to make them up yourself so they are memorable to you.
  3. abumenang

    abumenang Member

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