Staple Inn study facilities

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by Kail, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Kail

    Kail Member

    I read in the Actuary a while ago that someone mentioned they used to study at the above. Does anyone know how this works? Can I just turn up and what are the facilities like?
  2. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    The study facilities at Staple Inn is basically the library. Yes you can just turn up and tell them you want to use it... however there is only space for 3 people in the library at any one time (3 desks).

    It's only a little library, but has a nice bookish feel to it... if you like that sort of thing... and don't mind some background noise, e.g. the librarian answering phone calls or telling his collegue to do something...

    Only annoying thing is it closes at 5pm - a bit early if you have a half day study in the afternoon and don't manage to get there til 2!

    I personally use the library at City university (which was my old uni) - students of the Actuarial Profession get free membership, and there is a massive silent study section on the top floor... which is silent! And it closes quite late during term time... something like 8/9pm... and opens earlier... and is open at the weekends...
  3. Kail

    Kail Member


    thanks for that - City university it is then. One last question, again can I just turn up or need to apply for membership? Have proof of being a Institute student etc.?
  4. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    You need to email a woman called Liz Harris:

    and ask about membership - you need to give them your ARN so they can verify you are a member of the Institute...

    Not sure whether the process has changed since I first applied - when I did it all I needed to do was to email them, when my friend did it a few months later she had to fill out various forms... but when wanted to renew it recently, I just did it by email...
  5. dcentury

    dcentury Member

    I'm probably the one you saw in the Actuary.

    Jean summarised it nicely. The one big thing to add is that it does have all the study materials there (ActEd and core reading plus most of the additional textbooks and further reading) which is very handy.

    Although it is small, there was never a time when I didn't get a seat.

    I found it good to get in there at 9 and do a full day's work until 5, and when it got nearer to exams I could walk along to my office which was just along the road and do a few more hours. But I agree that there is not much point if you are going to get in at 2 or 3 - although there are occasions when it stays opens later (check with the librarian).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007
  6. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    Other plus is they hold all past papers going back to the beginning of time...

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