Standards tomorrow

Discussion in 'CT8' started by Erik, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Erik

    Erik Member

    This is what I am hoping for tomorrow.

    CT8 had a very bad pass rate last year.
    But both sittings' papers are set at the start of the year, so it was too late for them to make changes to September paper after April.

    However, this sitting, April 2006, they will be making the paper a lot easier to give us a fair chance of passing, compared to other subjects.

    Wink at the computer screen if you like my theory.

    Here is another thought.

    I don't believe in luck, but pure chance can predict the outcome of the exam for an individual. Say for instance person A and B writes one paper. A fails, B passes. It is very possible for them to write another paper, where A passes, B fails.
    It all depends on the questions that were asked. Maybe you didn't study that darn 5 step proof and it came up, or you left out the binomial model and CAPM and it came up.

    Wink twice at the screen if you agree on this.

    This is my last post for today as I really have to start learning that 5 step proof, to ensure I am not person A in the first paper or person B in the second one.

    Goodbye and good luck.
  2. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    the only theory i have, is that what ever i hypothesis the examiner will do the oppisate.

    so any topics i did not manage to cover in my 6 day cram learning session will come up (yes really 6 days!).
  3. Aye, with additional help on the ST bogof offer?

    I love cramming, it involves junk food and learning. What more could a girl want?
  4. hi5

    hi5 Member

    Please let us know those topics which u did not do?
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    Wilkie - the updating equations, VARMA representation, Markov version and general wordy ramblings that are in that chapter...

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