ST3 Sept 2006 Results

Discussion in 'SP8' started by catchy_catchy, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. catchy_catchy

    catchy_catchy Member

    So, I failed this one. I'm really annoyed with myself - an FB. Thought I knew the course, but I had to miss out the definitions questions as I hadn't bothered to learn the glossary. Reckon I could have passed if I had known these. How did everyone else get on?
  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    Well there's a contradiction if ever I heard one!

    Very few can afford to miss out anything at this level. We learn from our mistakes.
  3. I failed ST3 this session..again! Got an FA. I reckon where I went wrong was to spend too much time on the last question (I actually started this question first) - which then didn't leave me a good amount of time to do the preceding 3 'application' type questions properly.

    I didn't really find the bookwork bits tricky as I knew the definitions and other bits quite well. Oh well - am going to do this one again in April and focus on really getting my timings in the exam sorted out.
  4. justarrived

    justarrived Member

    My suggestion - Get exam counselling. After failing several times with FAs I found EC very useful and passed on the following attempt.
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    I failed it, looking over the solutions, I can see why. For me it's the problem that they ask something like what's averaging, and i explain the definition and give example of how it works. the actual solution rambles on about how insurer could choose not to apply it, partially apply, blah blah blah...

    Seems I got all the bookwork stuff and the maths question at the end, but didn't generate enough of this talking around the topic bull****.

    So, after 2 tries at ST3 (both suffering this problem), I'm dumping it and SA3.

    Going to try ST5 and SA6 (loved doing ST6). The questions in past exams seem more direct in these, less waffling required, so perhaps I will have more luck.

    Or maybe I wont!

    Enjoy fellow suffering students :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2006
  6. Pede

    Pede Member

    If you look closely at the question, it doesn't actually ask for how it works, it asks for why.

    Having said that, though, I know what you mean about 'intepretation of questions'. Isn't changing subjects is a bit dramatic though? Don't all the exams suffer from this problem?
  7. Gareth

    Gareth Member


    ive been going through past papers on st5 and get the feeling the questions are more direct and there seems to be more marks per paper for doing calculations - i'm not a great writer, i prefer maths. i'd have become a lawyer if i want to learn volumes of text and then regurgitate it at will!

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