ST2 exam papers

Discussion in 'SP2' started by cp1989, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. cp1989

    cp1989 Member

    Hi. I am studying Life Insurance at university and we cover chapters 2-7 of the core reading. I needed someone very familiar with the subject to go through the Institute of Actuaries exam papers and select which questions are relevant for me to look at and practice. I did this myself but some questions look relevant to some degree but I really dont know as it seems to draw things from other parts of the syllabus. I know this is a lot of work but if someone can go through maybe a couple of papers each day it would be much appreciated. I hope someone can get back to me ASAP. Thank you.

    Kind regards
  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    if you've studied the subject then you should be able to work this out yourself? Eg if you've covered with-profits and the question is about with-profits you do it??????????
  3. bumblebee

    bumblebee Member

    I would say just do the questions that you recognise.

    You're certainly not likely to get anyone to help you out at the moment with the exam next week!
  4. cp1989

    cp1989 Member

    Yes some questions were obvious like for example if they said why might a business take out reinsurance. I know I have covered that. But some questions werent as straight forward as that. I have solved this problem now. For 2004-2010 exams I have a grid which links the chapters to the questions which is very handy :)

    Thanks for the response. Good luck with any exams you may have.

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