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ST1 FAQ (updated 11 April 2011)

Discussion in 'SP1' started by Steve McIntosh, Oct 18, 2006.

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  1. This thread contains the Subject ST1 questions asked most frequently by students, with answers written by ActEd's tutors. Each year, we'll incorporate these questions and solutions into the study material.

    This thread was last updated on 11 April 2011.


    Which recent old era subject questions are relevant to Subject ST1?


    Some of the old Subject 302 and Subject 105 questions are relevant. It is particularly useful to look at past Subject 302 questions that specifically mention health insurance products.

    Questions from the old series subjects that may be considered at least partially relevant to Subject ST1 are given below. You must bear in mind that often the products involved will be specific to life insurance, and so for Subject ST1 a different (health insurance) product would have to be envisaged.

    April 1999 exam – Subject 302: Q2, 4, 5
    September 1999 exam – Subject 302: Q1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    April 2000 exam – Subject 302: Q1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8; Subject 105: Q15
    September 2000 exam – Subject 302: Q2, 4, 6, 7; Subject 105: Q12, 13
    April 2001 exam – Subject 302: Q1, 3, 5, 8; Subject 105: Q6
    September 2001 exam – Subject 302: All questions except Q4, 5(ii); Subject 105: Q12
    April 2002 exam – Subject 302: Q2, 3, 5, 6, 8
    September 2002 exam – Subject 302: Q1, 2, 5, 7, 8; Subject 105: Q12
    April 2003 exams – Subject 302: Q3, 6, 7; Subject 105: Q6, 8
    September 2003 exams – Subject 302: Q4, 5, 6; Subject 105: Q3, 7, 10, 14
    April 2004 exams – Subject 302: Q1(i), 2, 4, 5, 7, 8(i); Subject 105: Q3
    September 2004 exams – Subject 302: Q2, 3(i), 4, 6, 7; Subject 105: Q3, 8


    Are the pricing and reserving methods covered by Subject ST1 more like life insurance or are they more like general insurance (ie statistical)?


    Generally more like life insurance. Reserving for both types of business are covered in Subject ST1. However, detailed calculations of general insurance reserves using statistical methods, such as chain ladder, are not in Subject ST1.

    Similarly, pricing for all health products is covered. However, pricing sickness benefits under income protection is covered in more detail compared to the others.


    When a PMI policy is renewed, is it re-underwritten?


    Your question first presumes that initial underwriting is used, rather than moratorium underwriting – with the latter there is no underwriting at all until (and if) a claim occurs.

    Assuming initial underwriting applies (when the policy is first taken out), then no, there would not be any further underwriting on renewal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2011
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