ST subject - which one to sit?

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by fraggle, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. fraggle

    fraggle Member

    I am a pensions student and cannot decide which of the other ST subjects to take. (I have already sat the Pensions one - ST4). Can any pensions students help me?
  2. justarrived

    justarrived Member

    I guess you could take life (similar concepts as in life). Also 301 and 305 have common topics so these two would be ok.

    you could omit 303 as this is general insurance and quite different from pension anyway. Also if you aren't working in general insurance, passing this might be quite tough!

    Aah I also realise that now students need only take 2 STs. So in that case I would take 301 or 305 to balance out the asset side too!
  3. kanch

    kanch Member

    Agree with above - Since you have one more ST to go I would go for ST2

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