SP9 April/May 2020 exam

Discussion in 'SP9' started by SimonAsaad, May 20, 2020.

  1. SimonAsaad

    SimonAsaad Member

    Hey guys,

    Now we've had time to process everything I just wanted to gather what everyone's thoughts were on how they felt about the exam.
  2. leechang

    leechang Member

    I think there were some interesting questions. The first scenario was quite obscure but there it was one where you could relate to the question. Financial modelling relating to the submission was difficult to give specific points to.

    The balance sheet questions I also found a bit difficult too. Couldn’t think of what to try and calculate apart from RAROC. This was the first time I was doing sp9 and must say in my opinion it feels like an SA exam and is by no means a straightforward ST. Hope they aren’t too harsh on marking and have a 28% pass rate like September.

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