Solutions to exams

Discussion in 'CA1' started by shen1, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. shen1

    shen1 Member

    Hi, I'm currently working my way through the past exams and there have been several times where some of the points I have made are not in the solutions (e.g. what risks does this company face type questions, or describe the modelling process types - I'll include points about goodness of fit and time period, and these wont be in the answers). Is there scope to get marks in these occasions?
    Thanks alot:)
  2. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    For CA1 I believe that there is scope for other items, in that it is expected that the examiners apply judgement and not just follow the script.

    I may be wrong though so I am also waiting for the tutors answer on this one.
  3. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    It depends a little on the question.

    The exam paper will have been 'tested' by a number of examiners and guinea-pigs, and a sample of actual student scripts pseudo-marked, before the marking schedule is finalised.

    The chance of you coming up with something important that none of these people thought of is pretty slim, so the schedule is reasonably rigid in this respect. Also, too much 'judgement' can result in inconsistent marking between examiners.

    Having said that, there will be small scope for 'bonus' marks, as you suggest. But when marking your own attempts using the examiners' reports, it's best to be pessimistic!

    In CT level exams, there will be even less scope for judgement, but for SA level exams, there can be more.

    Hope this helps

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