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Slides with charts

Discussion in 'CA3' started by Benjamin, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. Benjamin

    Benjamin Member


    In the preparation day, we were told explicitly that slides with charts should not contain any narrative, only direct statement of what you can clearly see in the chart, e.g.
    - "Average is x, A performed above average, B performed below average"
    And not e.g.:
    - "Markets were volatile over Q3 and as A was invested in whatever, this led to out-performance compared to B" (in a situation where market volatility is not shown in the chart)

    I'm still struggling with the idea that "good communication" in this regard includes only stating of the obvious and not adding colour (and yes, I clarified this on the preparation day and that was the message).

    But more importantly that actual good communication is passing the exam, so, could you please clarify that we should not add any text insight to charts/graphs and just repeat what is clearly understandable anyway?
  2. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi Benjamin

    I'm not totally clear what you mean by 'colour', but I've checked with the other CA3 tutors, and we're all agreed that adding a short, succinct bullet point or two underneath a graph is a good idea to highlight the key message(s) that should be drawn from the graph. This is so that the audience don't have too much of a job trying to interpret the graph themselves.

    Sorry if you took away the wrong message on your Prep Day!

  3. Benjamin

    Benjamin Member

    Hi Ian,

    Ok thanks, sounds good!

    (by "adding colour" I just kind of meant expanding the idea, adding further context etc. :) )

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