Sitting SP and SA in the same sitting

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by AlexLky, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. AlexLky

    AlexLky Member

    Hi all,

    I am looking to sit both the SP and SA side of the finance and investment modules this next sitting (April 2021), ie SP5 and SA7. This will be my first attempt at both of these modules.

    I am curious how many other individuals have done this, and what are the success rates? I am not sure how best to approach this whether to do both simultaneously or whether a good understanding of everything in SP5 is essential before even starting SA7, so running through all of SP5 before even starting SA7.

    I'd love to know any opinions/recommendations.

  2. N93

    N93 Member

    You may find better responses in the SA7 sub forum where people currently doing it will be able to guide you more on what they have done. Good luck!
  3. studier

    studier Member

    I wouldn;t have wanted to sit both and SA and ST in the same sitting as it does seem like too much work to me personally and you do need to know ST5 for SA7, particularly if you are only starting now. Having said that, I did manage to pass SA7 first time without having sat ST5. I did ST6 and ST9 and then as I went through SA7, read the relevant bits of the ST5 notes that I wasn;t familiar with as quite a lot of ST5 material is also covered in ST6/ST9. If you are sitting them both though, I would have thought that it was best to read the ST5 course first.

    I found doing the SA7 tutorials massively helpful.

    I am sure Colin will have some thoughts on this.

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