Single discount rate vs multiple

Discussion in 'SA4' started by rave23, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. rave23

    rave23 Member

    Hi all

    Can some please tell me what is the advantage and disadvantages of using a single discount rate?

  2. Discount rate

    Hi rave23,

    Remember that a single discount rate and separate pre- and post-retirement discount rates are both approximations to a full "yield curve" approach, where every discount rate at every term is different.

    With this in mind, a single discount rate has the following properties:
    + simpler
    + may be more suitable for an asset-based discount rate approach where the distinction between the different assets in is not whether the liabiltes are pre- or post-retirement
    - may be a less accurate approximation to the full yield curve
    - a split discount rate may be more appropriate for a bond yields plus risk premium approach where different rates could be used to reflect different appropriately matching assets pre- and post-retirement
    - a single rate can be less prudent - as if split pre- and post- retirement discount rates are used (and the scheme is maturing) then more of the liability eventually is discounted at the lower post-retirement discount rate

    Hope that helps!

    Best wishes


    Stuart Underwood
    ActEd Tutor

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