Simple forward rates questions

Discussion in 'CT1' started by biboextreme, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. biboextreme

    biboextreme Member

    I need some help with the following question:

    If the forward rates at \(30/9/2015\) are as follows:

    Year Rate
    \(1\) \(-0.076\%\) (negative)
    \(2\) \(-0.053\%\) (negative)
    \(3\) \(\;0.020\%\)
    \(4\) \( \;0.125\%\)

    Then find the forward rate \(i\) for Year \(1\), but starting at \(1/01/2016\).

    I tried working over two years: from \(30/9/2015\) to \(30/9/2017\)
    (1+(-0.076\%))^{1/4}(1+i)^{1}(1+(-0.0299947\%))^{3/4}=(1+(-0.053\%))^2\Rightarrow i=0.064536\%.
    I obtained the \(-0.0299947\%\) from the \(-0.076\%\) and \(-0.053\%\).

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    Unusual question. Assume we have to assume that rates are constant within each period - which seems to then contradict working out rates for overlapping periods.

    Are those interest rates really %s? ie 0.076% and not 7.6%?

    Anyway, if the rates given in the question are forward rates then I think you are using them incorrectly as spot rates. -0.053% is the 1-year forward rate from time 1??

    So you could use
    (1+(-0.076\%))^{3/4}(1+(-0.053\%))^{1/4}=(1+ i)

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