September 2018 Exam advice

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by cw812, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. cw812

    cw812 Keen member

    Hi all,

    I would like some advice on which exams to take in September 2018. Basically I still have 4 exams (CA2, CP3, 1 ST and 1 SA) to go. I failed the ST and SA subjects in April 2018 and got 87%-93% of the pass marks, both on first attempt. It would also be my first attempt to sit both CA2 and CP3 too. Given my situation, what would be the best subject combinations in September 2018 (and also April/September 2019 under the new curriculum?)

    Some factors to consider:
    1. I have started studying CA2 and CP3 since May and I have read through all the course notes and I am going to start doing some past papers and mock exams. Have not studied the ST and SA subjects after the exams in April so would probably need some time to get back on track again.
    2. I heard that CP3 is so hard to pass and some people treat it as a lottery, is it wise to take both CA2 and CP3 in the same sitting given the CP3 exam is right after CA2?
    3. Also CA2 is going to be discontinued and changed to CP2 next year. Should I still give it a go or start the new syllabus again next year (which will have the additional topics on data analytics)?
    4. Should I re-sit the ST and SA subjects in September? If yes, should I just sit two exams only (on second attempt), or also together with CA2 and/or CP3 (on first attempt)? How should I allocate the time between ST/SA and CA/CP during the lead time?
    Thanks very much in advance for your advice. I hope I can make a good decision on my study journey before the enrolment period starts. I also want to allocate my time wisely and do not want to end up failing all subjects miserably and wasting money.
  2. LMac

    LMac Member

    I would just resit the ST and SA exams. If you add in CA2 and CP3 to the mix you may be taking on far too much and end up failing them all! Obviously though this depends on personal circumstances and the amount of study support you receive. Personally, I think slow and steady wins the race!

    From what I have seen on the forum there has been a lot of chat from some students indicating that some of the actuarial exams are a lottery (See the 2018 CT8 post and previous CA3 posts). I resent this as I feel it takes away from the passes that other students obtain. I did CA2 in May 2015 and CA3 in September 2016 and passed both on first attempt, I certainly didnt feel that it was down to pure luck. My advice is to treat these exams with the same level of respect as you would any other written actuarial exam, make sure you read through the notes and practice as many past papers as possible! I also found that getting the mock exam with marking for CA2 very helpful as the examiner provided a lot of helpful tips.

    Best of luck with the rest of the exams and whatever you decide to do.
    John Lee likes this.

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