September 2008

Discussion in 'CT6' started by steph, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. steph

    steph Member

    Hi all. I'm sitting CT6 in a few weeks time and I wondered if anyone else out there is panicking like me!

    There is so much content in CT6, I keep running out of time doing past papers plus I just don't have much confidence in myself at the moment.

    Reading the posts about past CT6 papers is quite terrifying! It's not that bad surely?!!
  2. MissAussie

    MissAussie Member

    I'm panicking too, particularly as I've only started studying in earnest in the last couple of weeks.

    I did applied maths at uni but I still find the algebra pretty hard... and having to learn all those tricks about re-writing your integrals so that you can actually evaluate E[x] of the distribution, or E[x^2]... aargh!

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